Monday, August 29, 2005

I feel like a woman . . . I guess

What is it about a woman wearing high heels? Do our legs really look THAT much better? I'm wearing (I admit) some pretty high-heeled shoes today. Just some simple black ones from Payless. I'm also wearing a very moderate knee-length, a-line black skirt. I've worn it several times before. Today, however, I had to walk around downtown Greenville a little to make some deposits in several banks. I got a ton of whistles and hoots and holla's (hollers for you Yanks) as I walked.

Why? I don't get it. I've worn the same outfit, replacing my heels with my Mary Jane Birkenstock's, with NO reaction whatsoever. So it must be the heels. But why? And why do guys have to make fools of themselves? It's funny, really, how they think women are flattered by wolf whistles from shirtless, mullet-wearing men in a beat-up, mud-splattered pickup. Yeah, like THAT makes me feel sexy. Pa-lease!

I did, however, get one genuinely nice comment. I had a polite gentleman (no mullet and a shirt on) with a completely innocuous smile say I looked nice today. Now that made me feel like a woman.


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