Monday, October 10, 2005


I'm a very simple person at heart. I don't want very many things. I want a house, a family, and food on the table. I want enough money to provide for my someday children. That's it. I don't have to have a really nice house or a fancy car or tons of things to clutter my home. I don't need the latest and greatest technological advances. I just want a good, peaceful, uncomplicated life.

I'm very much wishing life was like it was in the early 1800s. People lived primarily on farms where they created their own food from crops and cattle. I would welcome the simplicity of waking up every day to spend most of the day working in the fields or cooking. I would gladly spend my evenings quietly in front of a good fire sewing or reading or playing with my children. I would like to live in a time when cash money wasn't such an essential and careers weren't really in existence let alone so cutthroat. I would love to return to an era when morals, decency, compassion and neighborhood togetherness were not archaic terms.

I'm tired of our cash cow society. I'd rather go over to my neighbor's and say, "I've got some canned peaches to trade for some wheat. Sound fair?" rather than picking out the cheapest wheat flour amidst the plenty at Wal-Mart.

Yeah, I'd hate the disease and poor medical help back then, but if I didn't know any differently, I suppose it wouldn't bother me. Medicine would be my only concern about going back in time.

Sorry for my rant. I'm just tired of life being so complex 24-7.


At 10:27 AM , Blogger amber said...

I hear congratulations are in order?!?!

Actually, I'm supposed to say "best wishes."

So the BEST of wishes, my friend!


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