So, obviously, I'm an absolutely wretched blogger. I haven't posted since June. The summer just seems to have flown by. In fact, I live in an apartment directly across from the complex pool, and never once got in it! Alas, that must be forgiven as well as I've had much more important things going on.
In a little over a week I will be changing my last name from Von Kamp to McMullin. Yes, that's right, the wedding I've been seemingly planning for ages is finally near at hand. I have almost everything arranged (last minute scrambling aside!) and I'm now just really looking forward to seeing people, having fun, and wearing an absolutely fabulous dress (if I do say so myself =).
I'm also really looking forward to the honeymoon. Now I understand why the honeymoon practice was adopted: you need a rest after all the planning! All I want is some time where I don't have to think about what I NEED to do and just decide, very whimsically, I might add, what I WANT to do. My upcoming cruise to the Eastern Caribbean will give me a great opportunity to do that, I'm sure. =)
It's been a fun time in my life, but in all truth, I'm glad it will soon be over. Many women want to be the bride, but you don't really understand how much work that entails until you become one. Now I'm looking forward to having the commitment made and then moving on to other plans I've had to put on the back burner (Scotland, anyone?) due to lack of time. I'm ready to begin a new chapter in life and really pursue some worthy goals of my own (with my new husband's support, of course).
For those of you who read this before the wedding, I look forward to seeing you there. If I don't see you then, I promise to write a blog about the cruise once I've gained more of a late tan.