Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Quick Succession of Busy Nothings (or Somethings?)

There's a line in Jane Austen's novel, Mansfield Park, where the heroine, Fanny Price, is writing her sister about her life at Mansfield. She talks about the idiosyncrasies of the family she's living with, and finishes her letter by saying, "Life moves on, a quick succession of busy nothings."

I sort of feel that way lately. I've done thousands of random things, but to what purpose? I read, I write, I work, I cook, I clean, I avoid cleaning, I water my plants, I sleep, I watch movies and I go out with friends. But it's the same old, same old, and frankly, it's just old. I've fallen into a distinct and alarming pattern. I've become predictable!

Where is my creativity? I used to be overrunning with it. Now, I'm a barren, desert wasteland. I haven't thought of anything original to do in forever. I'm busy, but doing nothing worthwhile.

I know what part of my problem is. Part of it is a lack of greenbacks. But that's a poor excuse. As a kid I was entertained by a folding table, two chairs, and some blankets - all of which I had at home. I could spend hours with those objedts alone - creating stories and adventures. I didn't have money then.

So what's different?

I'll tell you: responsibility. I had so little as a kid. I have so much now.

I'm going to make a poster that says, "Responsibilty=Creative Suicide"

My one small glimmer of hope comes in the form of a job I'm trying desperately to secure. It would be a much more creative job than I have now. If I get the job, I think I'll put the aforementioned poster in my office - for me and all other creative minds stuck in a rut.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Take the bad with the good

I have one of those daily scripture verse calendars on my desk at work. Today's verse just seemed to strike a cord with me: "The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." (Romans 8:18). It just reminded me that no matter how we suffer (you can determine your own definition of that word), our "sufferings" can't even be compared with the peace and glory we will later find because it will so far surpass our pain. It's such a wonderful thought.

Friday, September 02, 2005


Oh, my head hurts from news reports, but I can't stop listening to or reading news updates. I'm both irritated by and sympathetic for the people of the Gulf states. I'm in a state of almost disbelief. I feel like we're living in the world of The Terminator - but without the robotic killing machines. No one has sense. Nothing makes sense. Time has slowed to a crawl. Southern America - as a unified consciousness - is despairing. I swear to you, the South hasn't felt this bad since the Civil War.

Here are my feelings right now in brief:

The president is NOT responsible for this disaster and is NOT the only one to blame for the slow response, so people need to give him, personally, a break. You want to criticize the government as a whole, go ahead, but the fate of the nation does NOT truly rest on one man's head. Quit picking on what didn't happen and what wasn't planned for and start doing something about the problem that exists.

Those shooting at the very people trying to help them - well, you've made your choice. You will deal with the consequences eventually.

Those working as hard as they can to help: God bless and protect you.

Those suffering and dying: I'm sorry and I wish I could help you in a more tangible way. You're more than just a public spectacle.

Those who are out of the mess but have no homes or lives to return to: Phoenix is a great mytholoical character, and he should be your mascot.

Eventually, all the anger, terror, hunger, hurt, sorrow, destruction, rioting, and blaming has to end. And it will. IT WILL!